01 Our First Newsletter Issue ~ Sulforaphane

01 Our First Newsletter Issue ~ Sulforaphane

Welcome to our very first issue of our Health Newsletter! We aim to post 2 issues per month, helping you learn more about specific supplements, so you can better understand what they do, and what your body needs. After all, most of the time Health = Happiness, and we want to help you achieve that.

We understand how daunting it may be to educate yourself on the topic of vitamins and supplements - the Internet is full of information, but sometimes it's difficult to tell fact from fiction. This is where we come in: we're offering you a fortnightly dose of all the key information you need, making education more hassle-free than ever!

Sometimes we may share links to relevant products, e.g. containing the described vitamin or mineral. But no pressure - we just want to make it convenient for you, if you wanted to learn more about the benefits of specific products.

First up, we have . . .


d e f i n i t i o n :

It is a chemical compound found in vegetables like BROCCOLI, BRUSSELS SPROUTS & CABBAGES. Unfortunately, for those of you who don't like to eat them raw, you are missing out on this crucial compound, since it is water soluble and sensitive to heat. This is the primary reason why many people choose to supplement sulforaphane.


Primarily, SULFORAPHANE, alongside GLUCORAPHANIN (also a chemical compound found naturally in broccoli) have the following benefits:

🥦 Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Anti-Inflammatory & Anti-Carcinogenic Properties

🥦 Detoxifying Properties (Important For Liver Function)

🥦 Help Eliminate Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

🥦 Strengthen Immune System

🥦 Accelerate Wound Healing & Muscle Regeneration After Injury

🥦 Protect Against Osteoporosis

🥦 Lower Cholesterol (Mainly LDL)

🥦 Promote Hair Growth

🥦 Support People With Type II Diabetes

P R E C A U T I O N S :

⚠ As with most supplements, taking too much can cause unfavourable side effects. When taking intensive supplementation containing much higher doses of sulforaphane, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or bloating may occur.


You can read our full Facebook post on this topic by clicking HERE

Sulfoforte Plus Dr. Jacob's  Sulfoforte Seeds Dr. Jacob's

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