Is Salt "White Death" or a Substance that Keeps You Alive?

Is Salt "White Death" or a Substance that Keeps You Alive?

The article is quite long, but I wanted to convey as much knowledge as possible. I assure you if you make it to the end, you won't regret it. It will be the beginning of your small changes for the better!

You've probably heard phrases like:

  • "A diet low in salt is healthy."
  • "Foods low in salt are healthier."
  • "There is no difference between table salt and sea salt." 

The question is, do we need to eat less salt???

YES and NO
YES, less or no refined salt

NO, unrefined, unprocessed salt


Unrefined salt contains over 80 essential minerals for life, these are vital nutrients, in an easily digestible form. 😊Refined salt doesn't have that. 😢


Have you ever wondered what they have in common?

Adrenal diseases, bad blood pressure/improper cholesterol levels, constant fatigue, headaches, thyroid diseases

The answer can be found later in this article.



KŁODAWSKA SALT is unrefined salt, sea salt which crystallized approximately 250 000 000 years ago, similar to the Himalayan salt. However, be careful when choosing salt. Unfortunately, the desire for profit of various companies that try to deceive our senses by colouring salt, mixing salt with other or even selling salt under the name of Himalayan, because the latter is advertised worldwide. Unfortunately I "fell for" such salt several times. I even happened to buy the salt "KŁODAWSKA" produced not in Kłodawa, so I began to buy from the source, the Kłodawa salt mine. People living in Poland can buy salt from them without any problem, the courier will deliver. If you live in the UK, you can buy salt in our shop by clicking HERE.

is just as important as oxygen and water!

Dr. Brownstein, in his practice, tells people to drink plenty of water, with plenty of salt. By doing this, he noticed large recoveries because the basic minerals were lacking. This doctor refers to Celtic salt, sea salt - as he wrote this book, the Fukushima reactor explosion (2011) hadn’t yet happened, nor the disastrous effects of dumping tons of garbage, toxins into rivers, seas and oceans.

The secret to regaining health, is what salt you use. The quality of salt is important.

Did you know that the Ph level of our body, also depends on the level of minerals in our body?

But what is this Ph all about? 
The body will not function properly without the correct level of Ph. The correct environment in our body is 7.2Ph, anything below that will be an acidic environment, while anything above that is an alkaline environment. Acidic environments cause diseases such as: cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, overgrowth of parasitic fungus candida, hormonal disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, etc. Acidosis is more common, the sicker we are the more "acidic" we are.


And what affects our Ph?? Food has a huge impact on our environment in the body. The current food that is on most store shelves is refined food (i.e. processed, flours, oils, sugars etc. 😒), such food is deprived of mineral substances. Minerals, are alkaline substances, that is, they cause our body not to be in an acidic environment, among other things, good, unrefined salt has a huge amount of minerals.


You can do a little experiment, which I also did with my family, and see what effect salt has on Ph 🙂 For this you will need:

3x glasses filled with water, refined salt, unrefined salt, and litmus paper (can be purchased on eBay for example).

1 - a glass filled with ordinary water has a Ph of 6.6

2 - a glass of water, after adding refined salt lowers the Ph to 6.4-6.0

3 - a glass of water, after adding unrefined salt raises the Ph to 7

You will see for yourself the effects of proper salt on the body. But that's not all, read on...

Heart attack, hypertension, high cholesterol and salt.

There was a study of 3000 people with hypertension, in the group with the lowest salt intake, the risk of heart attack increased by 430%, compared to the group with the highest salt intake. A small amount of salt depletes our reserves of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins - the lack of which causes hypertension. Low levels of salt also cause an increase in both cholesterol >10%. There are very few scientific studies that show that low salt is effective in treating these diseases.

Unfortunately, the studies have been done with refined salt, which is devoid of minerals, and no studies have been done with unrefined salt, which is salt that contains essential minerals for life. But did you know that in the first studies that were done, 10-20x more salt was used? No wonder that after giving up so much salt, the blood pressure decreased.

Hence the equation: low salt = low blood pressure. 
Other studies were carried out in uncivilized nations, where they do not eat salt, have low body weight and do not consume alcohol, fast food or other processed food. Some of these nations do not live to 50 years of age. That is, there are no factors that are present in most civilized people with hypertension. Does such research make sense? One study only confirmed a drop in blood pressure of 3-6 mmHg systolic and 0-3 mmHg diastolic.

Is this a lot? People with hypertension will know for sure. Another study was carried out with a mineral salt intake and in 45% of the subjects, after 6 months, there was a decrease in blood pressure of 11 mmHg systolic and 15 mmHg diastolic. This is more than enough, the conclusion is that salt rich in minerals actually helps to lower blood pressure or a lack of minerals causes hypertension. Unfortunately, studies have also shown that a low salt intake causes a decrease in salt excretion in urine, if the body senses a deficit of salt, the kidneys start working harder to retain sodium in the body, the consequence will be kidney disease. Studies have indicated that people on a low-sodium diet have increased total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and renin. There were also studies that indicated that low salt causes hypertension, this is linked to low mineral intake.

It has been discovered that people with hypertension are deficient in elements such as magnesium, potassium, calcium. Hm...then what about people who have been diagnosed as having hypertension? Have they had their levels of even basic minerals tested by a doctor? Another interesting fact: did you know that low salt intake increases the risk of heart attack in men by 400%, compared to a high-sodium diet? Remember, this is only a diet with unrefined salt.

What about our hormones?

Low salt increases the levels of certain hormones that help the kidneys retain water, which further causes heart disease, increased insulin, etc, salt is necessary to treat diabetes. Studies have indicated that people on a low-sodium diet have an increase in aldosterone and norepinephrine. A diet low in salt, minerals, among others, leads to adrenal exhaustion (a gland that secretes various hormones).

Adrenal fatigue is very common these days, in today's world, stress is not scarce. Adrenal problems have further consequences i.e. fatigue, immune problems, thyroid problems, obesity, eczema, hair loss, arthritis, cancer and many more. And adrenal glands regulate the absorption of salts in the body. Magnesium is very important in the proper functioning of this gland.

I could describe the adrenal glands, but the most important thing is to remember that adrenal glands are one of the organs which keep balance in our body, and I have to tell you that if our adrenal glands stop working properly, then unfortunately the thyroid starts to fail (and vice versa).

Those who have problems with the thyroid know what it can lead to. As far as the thyroid is concerned, iodine is needed for it to function properly. Unfortunately when it comes to unrefined salt there is no iodine there, in refined salt there is iodine added, but the amounts are far too small! If it was sufficient, many thyroid diseases would not develop so quickly. The thyroid gland needs other minerals, not just iodine, to function properly.


Salt and the state of our muscles.

Magnesium is our natural muscle relaxant. It is essential to supplement with magnesium when there are spasms in the muscles. Smooth muscles lining our blood vessels, if these muscles are constantly under tension, it can raise blood pressure. Magnesium has been shown to have a direct relaxing effect on smooth muscle. Again, unrefined salt provides us with essential elements such as magnesium, potassium.


Water vs salt.

The human body contains about 70% water and the brain contains about 80%. The body of an adult contains about 250gr. of salt and that of a child 14gr. Water and salt are linked, they are essential for metabolism, detoxification and transport of nutrients and for the proper functioning of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems.
Water is the most important component of our bodies, water participates in energy production, distributes nutrients. As you drink more water, your intake of unprocessed salt should increase. It is recommended to use ¼ small teaspoon of salt for every litre of water drunk - in people with normal kidney function.


Most people don't drink enough water, what's more, they drink drinks that additionally flush water from their bodies, for example: coffee with caffeine, tea with caffeine, sodas with caffeine and juices rich in sugar. 😢 Unfortunately, a chronically dehydrated body means worse brain and nervous system function. Drinking water alone is not enough, our body cells need minerals.


Effects of salt on the nervous system.

The nervous system sends nerve impulses inside the body through electricity. Sodium ions mediate these nerve impulses. Sodium is found in salt. If the amount of sodium is too high or too low, abnormalities can occur in the electrical signals. Our brain in particular is sensitive to the amount of sodium ions.
For proper brain function, the brain needs an adequate amount of sodium and water, as well as 
elements such as magnesium.

You can check the levels of these elements within the body by doing Elemental Hair Analysis

You can learn more about it here:

Toxins vs salt.

I don't know if you're aware of the toxins we're being fed. Let me introduce you to one element, bromine. Bromine is found almost everywhere, it is a toxic element, and its consumption has increased a lot. Bromism is a poisoning with bromine, people feel sluggish, lethargic, have problems with concentration.
Depression, headaches, irritability may also occur, sound familiar? Of course, as a toxic element, it causes cancer, especially breast cancer.
And where does bromine come from? I'm not going to describe the history of bromine here, because you can also get hooked on conspiracy theories.
Facts: bromine (or bromide, of the halogen group) is used to disinfect swimming pools, baths, etc.; it is used in agriculture; as an insecticide; it is found in some carbonated beverages, especially in energy drinks; it is found in many medicines available without a prescription; it began to be used in the baking industry instead of iodine; and it is used in many other industries. We are literally surrounded by this element. Salt can speed up the detoxification, of various harmful chemicals found in our bodies.
Salt is nothing but NaCl, or sodium chloride, the chloride allows the kidneys to get rid of bromine in the urine. If your diet is low in salt, then unfortunately bromine accumulates in your body. In addition, salt supports the detoxification of the liver.



Certainly they help in effective elimination of heavy metals such as: mercury, lead, cadmium, pesticides and many others. Hot baths in a bathtub with unrefined salt will not only allow us to relax, but also to get rid of toxins from the body. Additionally, such baths stimulate our lymphatic system. It is recommended to use 1-2 cups of unrefined salt, +2 cups of oxygenated water. I personally use magnesium flakes, which you can buy here: 

Some facts about (unrefined) salt:  

- Salt definitely does not cause hypertension. A low salt diet does not lower blood pressureonly in hypertensionit may show better effects when the salt content is reducedbut minimal.

- The blood pressure is balanced by the balance of the minerals in our body.

Salt provides us with a minimum of 80 mineralsincluding magnesium and potassium.

- It improves the functioning of the immune systemendocrine system and organs.

Magnesium and potassium is needed for the proper functioning of the immune systemshould be consumed together with sodium chloride.

- There is improvement in patients with fibriomyalgiachronic fatiguedizzinessand people with Manier's disease (inner ear disease), there have been improvements along with the holistic treatment program.

People with kidney disease, may have trouble excreting salt from the body because the kidneys remove salt.

- A small amount of salt causes toxins to accumulate in Our bodies.

Japanese living by the coast consume 2x the average salt intake in the USthe life expectancy of these Japanese exceeds the life expectancy of North Americaof course there are other mortality factors.

Let's face it, 100 years ago, our grandparents had access to completely different foods. Unprocessed food, food full of vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, today's food is processed. It is artificial food. Such food does not provide us with anything, and what is more, it flushes us of the remaining minerals that we still have in our bodies.



"SALT YOUR WAY TO HEALT" 2005 by Dr. David Brownstein.

He noted the effects of salt. He refers to various studies confirmed or not about refined and unrefined salt. Dr. David Brownstein is a family medicine physician and medical director at the Center for Holistic Medicine in Bloomfield, Michigan.

"Your body demands water" Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj After the 1979 Iranian Revolution, Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, a highly educated doctor, is put in prison. His only offense was that he came from a wealthy family. There, for lack of medicine, he uses water to cure his comrades in misery. Surprisingly, effectively. Fascinated, he begins to conduct research, treating over 3,000 prisoners suffering from stress-induced ulcers with water alone. When he was about to be released, he refused, arguing that further research was needed, and remained in prison for another four months - because he wanted to check how dehydration affects the human body. The report of this research, together with its conclusions, was published in the "Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology" in June 1983. In the same year (June 21) his discovery was described in the "New York Times Science Watch".


"Iodine Heals" by Lynne Farrow. University lecturer and journalist. For many years she struggled with numerous ailments, such as chronic fatigue, lethargy, headaches, lack of concentration, breast cysts, obesity. Despite many tests, doctors could not find the cause of her illnesses. Finally she heard the diagnosis - breast cancer. Then she decided to reach into libraries and archives in search of forgotten, or maybe intentionally abandoned methods of treatment. Her amazement grew every day...

"Anatomy and physiology of man" W. Sylwanowicz, A.Michajlik, W.Ramotowski.

YouTube Sources:

Dr. Hubert Czerniak

Dr Jerzy Jaskowski

Jerzy Zięba

External links:

WARNING – If you are suffering with an illness, then consult with your doctor first. The above is a summary of information, but this does not replace a visit with a GP. Everyone has individual needs.



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