EHA £139 – Get Body Back LTD
EHA £139

EHA £139

Get Body Back LTD
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  • a test results including a description of 29 bioelements;

  • ratios between elements;

  • recommended supplementation;

  • a metabolic diet with recipes;

  • a return pre-paid envelope for the hair samples (value £5);

  • shipping hair samples to the laboratory by our courier, which guarantees delivery in the shortest possible time (value £25);

  • a shopping list with the proposed all supplements you will need, ready to buy in our online store (supplements recommended in your test results);
  • as a bonus a 10% discount code to use in our store for the first order.

* the metabolic diet is not adapted to parenteral nutrition

When will you receive the results?

Analysis of a hair sample and preparation of the report with results takes up to 10 working days from the moment lab receives a complete order (hair sample and e-questionnaire). If any of these elements is missing, this period may be longer.


What elements do we check?

Elemental Hair Analysis tests the level of the 29 most important elements in the human body

24 bioelements: calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, lithium, strontium, nickel, manganese, selenium, vanadium, boron, bar, sulfur, silver, silicon, iodine, tin

5 toxic elements: arsenic, mercury, aluminium, cadmium, and lead.


What is it?

Elemental Hair Analysis assesses the nutrition status of the organism based on the quantity and ratio of elements in your hair.

This modern diagnostic method tests the level of the most important elements in the human body. Hair shows the longer-term biochemical status of your organism, unlike blood, which only shows the quantity of elements at one point in time.

What are the benefits?

A diet which lacks sufficient vitamins and microelements, stress and no physical exercise influences the balance of elements in our organisms. In the long run, deficiencies or surpluses of elements lead to metabolic disorders, which may contribute to chronic diseases. This can be prevented with a proper diet and supplementation of vitamins and minerals. You need to learn in detail about the needs of your organism to provide it with relevant nutrients and balance the ratio of elements.

Various kinds of dietary supplements, both natural and synthetic are widely available nowadays, but not all of them are appropriate for everyone.

Using a standard dose of a given substance is not always a good solution. Its quantity should be adjusted to the individual: a lean physical worker with fast metabolism needs a different dose than an obese office clerk. Depending on the dose and time of the day, dietary supplements may prompt different reactions in different individuals, e.g. energize, sedate, strengthen, etc.

Degree of absorption is also important, as it is often low despite a high dose of a supplement. It can be improved by using synergistic substances, whose chemical composition facilitates absorption and distribution of the supplement inside the body.

Although they provide detailed data and dosage, producers of medicines and supplements are not able to specify the way of administering them in combination with all other substances used by an individual, so the results of using a supplement are hardly perceptible, or even opposite to what is expected.

That is why it is so important to become familiar with your own organism and its individual needs.

All these significant factors are taken into consideration when designing an individual supplementation programme based on Elemental Hair Analysis; it specifies a detailed dose and a time of application.

For whom?

It is recommended to individuals who have problems with maintaining mental and physical fitness, especially those with low immunity.

Elemental Hair Analysis is used in preventive medicine for adults and children (3+), and in supporting medical treatment and recovery of various kinds of disorders: psycho-emotional (e.g. depression, anxiety), neurological (e.g. MS, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, autism), dermatological (e.g. psoriasis, albinism, hair loss, acne), cardiologic (e.g. atherosclerosis, heart attack), astrological (bad absorption/excretion) and diseases of bones and joints (e.g. RA, osteoporosis).

It is recommended to people who are exposed to increased/significant effort (physical or mental work, amateur/professional sports).

The analysis will show the negative influences of toxic elements on metabolism and give recommendations to help get rid of them.

What will you receive?

A 36-52 page report with the results of Elemental Hair Analysis including: diagrams, ratios of tested elements, metabolic type description, supplementation programme, and metabolic diet.

Metabolic type description

Based on the element ratio, we are able to determine your biological nature (e.g. if your digestion is fast or slow) and its dominant qualities. Thus, you will find out how your body functions and understand its processes. Moreover, you will see how effective your thyroid and cortex of your adrenal glands is, how your organism copes with stress and whether it is anabolic or catabolic processes that are dominant.

You will also check your pH balance and find out if you have residues of lactic or uric acid. Learn about your health-related tendencies and find out what might happen in the next few years if you do not take the preventive measures recommended in the analysis results.

Supplementation programme

The supplementation programme includes a chart with vitamins and microelements selected for you, as well as the doses and times of application.

The supplementation programme consists of two stages:

  • The first stage lasts three months and is focused on nutrition. Its task is to balance the surpluses and deficiencies of elements and restoring the individual dynamic homeostasis.
  • The second stage lasts six months and its aim is prevention; to stabilize the optimum state of mineral nutrition achieved in the previous stage. If health and mood have significantly improved, the second stage may be prolonged and last even two years.

Consult a doctor in the case of any pathological condition. 

Metabolic diet

Metabolic diet is optimal for your metabolic type and the needs of your organism. It includes a chart with a seven-day menu, energetic value of each meal provided, as well as recipes.

This diet is meant to show you the direction which you need to take in order to achieve the best possible results and support the supplementation programme.

The analysis results will also determine your energetic needs and physical activity recommendations depending on your lifestyle.

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